Zoning Bylaw Phase 2

As part of phase 2 of the Zoning Bylaw project, The City is reviewing land use zones and is recommending improvements and corrections to better reflect how land is being used. Phase 2 will happen from July 2024 to Spring 2025 in the following order:

  • Other Zones (underway)
  • Regulations for specific uses (September 2024)
  • General regulations & parking (November 2024)
  • Overlays, modifiers, and character statements (January 2025)

Other Zones (July - September 2024):

This project aims to allow for more flexibility in the Zoning Bylaw while providing consistent standards and interpretation, simplifying the development process and timelines, and involving the public. Under this review, we are looking at possible changes to the following zones:

  • A-1 Future Urban Development
  • A-2 Environmental Preservation
  • P-1 Parks and Recreation
  • PS Public Service
  • PSI Post Secondary Institution
  • PS-R Public Service Residential
Proposed Changes:

The City of Red Deer is proposing the following zoning changes.